An attempt to say the things you cannot say: The Silence, in Dutch “de Stilte".
Taking children out of their concrete everyday world into the abstract world of the senses: that is what dance company De Stilte strives for. De Stilte wants to incite children to create stories of their own. Boundless stories of the imagination. The language of dance is the perfect way to open up amazing new horizons from a position of seeming abstraction. No spoken words are needed, which explains the company’s name.
De Stilte aims to stimulate self-awareness in children without explanation. Performances become accessible if children can recognize their own feelings and experience their own imagination. A child needs to see, hear and feel the magic of the unknown. Every step from imitation to imagination means a leap forward to the great unknown. In a world that is changing rapidly, it is necessary that each child’s creative capacities are addressed. De Stilte’s performances stimulate children’s imagination, encouraging them to play and tell their own story. Children who do not play will never learn.